Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

How To Flirt With A Boy?

Hello boy, you are very handsome, sure there are a lot of girls admire you right? Do you have a gf now? No? I also don't have a bf, plus I like you, why don't do you say?

You say "Do you have free time tomorrow? I want to watch Repruzel movie tomorrow but all my friends don't have free time to go with me, and I feel it is quite shy and lonely if I go cinema watch it alone, so can you accompany me go watch together? I guess you won't let me go alone 1 right? Unless you don't care about me, don't worry anything bad will happen on me(T_T)". When he promised will go with you. You say : "Please don't bring your friends to join us, let's we both only two person watch it, enjoy our romantic moment ya ^^.
你说:"你明天有没有空?我想要去看Repruzel但是我的朋友都不陪我去,一个人去有很丢脸,你能不能陪我去?我想你不会让我一个人去的hor? 除非你不关心我,不会担心我出事(T_T)"。当他答应你之后,你就说:"千万不要带你的朋友陪你来,我们两个人看就好了,别让他们破坏我们浪漫的二人世界^^"。

Step 1 - You say "I suddenly want to eat ice-cream, can we go buy it now? Please please please".
Step 2 - You MUST NOT buy the same ice-cream with him. After buy it, walking with him while eating the ice-cream.
Step 3 - You say "wow, my ice-cream taste is so good, you should try eat it and see", then take your ice-cream near to his mouth to feed him. After he eat it, you ask "how is the taste?", if he like you, he will answer "it is very very sweet".
Step 4 - You say "See I am so generous feed you my ice-cream, unlike you so selfish never feed me your ice-cream(T_T)". He will feed you if he like you.
Step 5 - You both just keep asking "want some more? want some more?"... Do the same thing when you both are eating in a restaurant.

If you like a boy very long time but you never talk to him, and you don't have courage to talk to him, what should you do?
Step 1 - You must go study about him, check his background, check his personal information from facebook or blog, try to get his info as many as you can.
Step 2 - Write a small paper "Hello, I am Michelle, I know you but you don't know me, I know your name is Zac, I know you are 23 years-old, I know you are working as a graphic designer and I know you just cut your hair last week. I am your secret admire, LOL. I wish to be your friend, I feel shy and I don't have courage to talk to you, that's why I write you this letter. Can we be friend? If your answer is yes, please be a gentleman, come talk to me, come date me out, my phone is 0164000000, sms or phone calling is okay, if you wondering how I look like? I am the girl who passed this letter to you just now, haha".
Step 3 - You can follow him secretly to a shopping complex or when you meet him in a shopping complex accidentally, pass him the letter and say "just now got a kid pay me RM5 and asked me pass this small letter to you".
**Note : You can write your facebook or blog link in the letter to show him.

to know the girl infront of u is looking at u or not, u just need to show her your funny face, if she laught, then u can sure she look at u.

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