Motorola Quench XT5 price in India. Company launched the Motorola Quench XT5 mobile phone, which perform a full touch screen. This phone is 3.2-inch Gorilla Glass TFT touch screen display, with a depth of 262K colors and resolution of 320 x 480 pixels. The display includes a feature of user interface Accelerometer Sensor, Proximity Sensor. This bar shaped phone measures 114.9 x 56.8 x 12.6mm in size and weighs around 114 grams. The phone providing a 5.0 mega pixels of camera with LED flash light which allowed performing optimally capture valuable moments.
Motorola Quench XT5 features include Bluetooth with A2DP, microUSB, EDGE, GPRS WAP /HTML browser. The phone is working on Android v2.1 (Éclair) operating system and powered by 600 MHz processor. Other multimedia options of the phone include music & video player with 3.5 mm audio jack and speakers. The 1270 mAh battery delivering a talk time of around 8.2hours and standby time of about 23 days.
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