HTC Titan Price in India. Company has launched the latest smartphone HTC Titan but this will be available into the market in the ending of 3Rd quarter of this year. The phone uses Windows phone 7 mangos the latest operating system and runs on the processor of 1.5 GHZ. Its processor is powered with the internal memory of 512MB RAM. Phone can easily supports the different format of multimedia including video and audio files.
HTC Titan provides 480 × 800 pixels of resolution with its 4.7 inches of touchscreen display. Another main feature of the phone is its 8.0 mega pixels of camera that comes with the support of HD video recording, 28mm lens, dual LED flash and back illuminated sensor to take awesome pictures in any time. If we need more storage space than easily expand its memory up to 16 GB using microSD card slot. Its talk time backup is good over the 2G up to 11 hours that is great news.
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